Welcome to join SHEKINAH Online Family


1995年,劉群茂主任牧師由台北靈糧堂差派來到士林靈糧堂牧會, 一直秉持完成大使命的託付,以小組、門徒訓練建造教會。

2019年因著疫情挑戰,讓教會聚會的模式有了全新的開啟! 上帝帶領我們,進到更寬廣的國度和網路事奉,從線上崇拜的直播轉型為網路教會。

2023年,位於台灣大直地區的實體教會-夏凱納靈糧之家,也正名為「夏凱納靈糧堂」, 未來將與位於士林的「士林靈糧堂-基河堂」,透過網路教會、實體教會雙軌並進, 共同秉持完成大使命的託付,邁向國度、七山的事奉! 我們期盼能更多服事您,祝福網路世代,

1. 沒有加入任何教會聚會的基督徒
2. 對基督信仰有興趣的慕道朋友
歡迎您加入夏凱納靈糧堂網路教會(SHEKINAH Church Online),不限海內外,我們期盼與您在主裡成為一家人!


Dear friends, we welcome you to join SHEKINAH Bread of Life Christian Church Online Family!

In 1995, our senior pastor Brian Liu was sent to pastoral Shilin Bread of Life Church. He has been upholding the commission of fulfilling the Great Commission and building the church through small groups and discipleship.

In 2019, after overcoming the challenge of COVID-19, which activates the church to have a new way gathering people, God has led and expanded us into a worldwide online ministry.

In 2023, Shekinah House of Bread of Life Church has formally named “SHEKINAH Bread of Life Christian Church.” In the future we and SLLLC will together fulfill the Great Commission and bless the kingdom and the 7 mountains. Through the dual tracks of online church and physical church, we wish to serve people more and to bless new generations.

If you are...
1. A Christian who does not attend any other church events.
2. A friend who are interested in Christian faith, but cannot attend our physical service. We welcome you to join our SHEKINAH Online Family! No matter if you are in Taiwan or in other nations, we are looking forward to be a family in Christ!

Please filled up the questionnaire below! We would reached out to you ASAP!

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請填寫E-mail Please write down your e-mail
請填寫國家 Please write down the country where you stay
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